Rodrigo Toscano reads "Clock, Deck and Movement" [5:59]
Eleni Sikelianos reads "Who thinking on Her Legs (Manifesto)" [2:20]
Eleni Sikelianos reads "Essay: History's Tree (Early Greece)" [1:00]
Prageeta Sharma reads "Value" [2:00]
Prageeta Sharma reads "Deliverance" [1:58]
Kristin Prevallet reads "Dream of Financial Ruin" [3:55]
Geoffrey O' Brien reads "Cascade" [0:37]
K. Silem Mohammad reads "Unobstructed and 4 Sonnets" [6:26]
Brenda Hillman reads "Wind Treaties" [0:51]
Brenda Hillman reads "Styrofoam Cup" [0:29]
Brenda Hillman reads "Sediments of Santa Monica" [1:22]
Duriel Harris reads "Short" [3:32]
Dawn Lundy Martin reads "Religion Song" [4:41]
Thomas Devaney reads "They're Fighting in Atlantic City in Atlantic City" [5:25]
Amy Catanzano reads "Chromatica" and "Notes on the Enclosure of Fields" [2:41]
Rae Armantrout reads "Currency," "In time," "Previews," "Hey," "Anchor," "Procedures" and "Number" [6:19]
Cathy Wagner reads "She May" [1:43]
Cathy Wagner reads "Well in The Chasm of Your Faith Opportunity Tree Why Don't You Crampon Up" [0:51]
Cathy Wagner reads "Song" [1:38]